Holy Cross College College community came together for International Women's Day, to show solidarity for Gender Equality, with this year's theme being 'Accelerate Action'
Our Ambassador for Sexism, Michaela Allanson gave an inspirational speech in staff briefing this week:
Saturday marked International Women’s Day and I just wanted to speak a little bit about that. In my role as Ambassador for sexism and just generally being a woman, I’m frequently asked why we need a day for women, why we need feminism and don’t we have enough rights in this country already. I just want to shed some light on why we keep fighting.
International Women’s Day means just that, we’re continuing to fight not just to close the gaps in this country but for our sisters across the world who don’t have the same levels of support and who global media ignore.
In more than forty countries across the world there’s no legal protection for women against domestic violence which leaves over a billion women vulnerable. 230 million women across the world have suffered genital mutilation and that number is just known incidents, there’s likely a lot more going unreported.
In many countries women are blocked access to public spaces, gynaecological and natal health care and little to no ability to work or control their own money. Making many dependant on partners or family members, blocking any chance of leaving a violent home.
We’ve seen a backslide in many countries in attitudes towards women and the rights they have being taken away. Closer to home we still fight for the Sarah Everards of the world, the Rania Alayed’s, the Gisele Pelicot’s we still talk about this as Greater Manchester is the fourth worst region in the UK for women to be murdered by their previous partner, current partner or family member.
We still fight because according to the World Economic Forum, at the current rate with no back sliding we’re not going to achieve gender parity for another 5 generations. As we move forward into the DEI month of Anti-sexism I would like us all to keep in mind ways in which we can make a difference globally through physical activism, donations or keeping the conversation alive.