Our Values

The year of compassion blackFollowing the example of our founders, the Daughters of the Cross, as a college community we seek to grow in:


sharing the blessings of each day with gratitude, in a spirit of community and family, helping and supporting each other to rise above all that holds us back


aiming for wisdom, creativity and excellence in all things in order to discern our vocation in life and become the people we were born to be


journeying in hope of change for the better, active in our engagement and the development of our conscience, striving to reach our fullest potential


being mindful of our interdependence in the human community, the importance of the choices we make and the effects of those choices, for others and for the earth


showing love for others, near and far, especially the weakest and most vulnerable, by just actions and kind words


using all our gifts, gratefully and generously, for the common good, being prophetic in the example we set


seeking to find and celebrate the deepest truth about God, ourselves, life and the universe in everything we do