
The Chaplaincy exists to serve our students and staff, and witnesses to our mission statement, to provide opportunity for each person to develop, spiritually, morally, intellectually and emotionally. By living out this mission, the Chaplaincy supports the whole college community, welcoming and showing love to all students and staff of all faiths and to those of none. There are opportunities for students to explore and develop their faith, through the Prayer and Liturgy opportunities offered by the Chaplaincy.

Through involvement in the Chaplaincy, our students can get involved in charity and outreach work, seeking to put our college values of Humility and Service into action not only in our own community but locally, nationally, and worldwide.

For daily prayers, reflections, and updates on what is happening in the Chaplaincy, follow our social media pages:

Instagram @hc_chaplaincy_

The Chapel

Our beautiful chapel is a place of sanctuary and is open daily to welcome students and staff to retreat and offers a quiet and peaceful space for prayer and reflection. The Blessed Sacrament resides in the Tabernacle and, placed around the chapel, are our beautifully restored Stations of the Cross. Our altar is part the original chapel altar from the time of Daughters of the Cross Bury Convent High School which connects us to the legacy of what has gone before us.

Our Lay Chaplain

Kelly Needham is our full-time Lay Chaplain. She is tasked with helping to develop the Catholic ethos, personally leading and encouraging others to lead the collective worship opportunities. She strives to share the good news of the Gospel and to provide spiritual and pastoral care to our community. Students and staff can come and have a conversation about any concerns, difficulties or anxieties they might be having - nothing is too big or too small. Examples include academic stress, loneliness, relationship difficulties, loss and bereavement, life transitions, mental health and more. Students can have a one-off conversation or a series of appointments, depending on what is going on for them at any given moment.

The Chaplaincy Office

The Chaplaincy office is a restful and social space for students and staff. It is open daily and offers, welcoming, safe space for all.

Enrichment Opportunities

The Chaplaincy enrichment offers students the opportunity to develop and grow as an individual and as a part of a team by taking part in the following:

4C Charities and Campaigns Group
