
Inspired by the Gospel commandment to ‘love one another as I have loved you’ (John 13:34), Holy Cross has a vibrant charitable group whose mission is to serve others, both locally and globally. The group is called 4C which stands for College Community for Charities and Campaigns and we meet weekly to discuss fundraising and awareness-raising initiatives. We raise thousands of pounds and support an average of 30 charities throughout each academic year including Bury Red Door, the local branch of Salford Diocese’s official charity, Caritas. We also have an internal college Student Fund to help any Holy Cross students who might experience a particular hardship or need during their time with us.

Red Door Centre | Caritas Diocese Of Salford (


What we achieved in 2023-24:

· Sent letters to the elderly in care homes through the charity Letters Against Isolation

· Raised money for the Christie, Manchester, with a glow event

· During Anti-Bullying Week we left lollies around college with words of affirmation and anti-bullying messages for students to find and    enjoy

· Raised money for the United Nations Relief Fund with a cake sale

· Raised money for CAFOD during our annual One World Week

· Raised money for Save the Children with a Christmas Jumper Day

· Donated hundreds of foodbank items to Caritas Red Door (Bury) and Trinity Foodbank (Radcliffe)

· Donated unwanted gifts to Dignifying Dementia (Bury)

· Raised money for MIND during our annual Wellbeing Week

· Hosted a Fairtrade Fortnight Big Brew for staff

· Sent letters to people whose human rights are under threat through the Write for Rights campaign
