Our Staff

Our commitment to developing the whole person, as made in the image of God, does not only apply to our students, but also our staff who chose to work at Holy Cross. We are inspired by the words of Sister Mary Kelly, former Headteacher of Bury Convent Grammar School and later Principal of Holy Cross College, who frequently remarked that the staff are the most important resource at the College. In a statement she made in 1998 she commented; ‘We must also care for the carers. All the staff who work here, in whatever capacity, need to be sustained and developed in an atmosphere of encouragement and support.’ We continue to live by this ethos and staff welfare and wellbeing is a key priority for the College. With this in mind, we provide:

· An annual staff retreat (voluntary)

· A staff forum with members of the Senior Leadership Team

· Frequent staff surveys and focus groups

· Green spaces, social places and quiet spaces during lunchtimes

· Annual staff development on the Catholic Life and Mission of the College (Think Well)

· Two dedicated staff community days (Feel Well and Do Well)

· Regular Brew and Buns pop-up staffrooms

· An induction programme for new staff which includes a half day retreat and a Marie Thérèse Day lunch with other new staff

· A half-termly free coffee and cake lucky dip

· Staff compliments initiative called Love like Liz

· A college-wide mental health strategy

· The college won a Sixth Form College’s Association award for Health and Well-Being in June 2024