Liturgical Life

of the College

Prayer and Liturgy are central to the college and reflect the rhythm of the prayer life of the Church. Following the Church’s Liturgical Calendar and Secular Calendar, we offer a variety of opportunities for spiritual nourishment suitable for both students and staff to participate in:

· Morning prayer is offered in the Chapel daily

· Holy Mass takes place monthly and is celebrated by our local parish priests and the wider Salford Diocesan Clergy. Parents/Carers and local parishioners are most welcome to attend our Masses.

· Be Still. Guided Meditation – Every Wednesday lunchtime

· Weekly Staff Briefing Prayer and Reflection

· The Wednesday Word – A weekly Prayerful/Spiritual email Reflection is shared with all Staff and Students

· Advent and Lenten Liturgies take place in our college Chapel for all students

· Liturgies and Services are held to mark major events in college life and in our world, Armistice Remembrance Service, Peace Sunday, Transgender Day of Remembrance Service