Election 2024

A huge thank you to the following politicians who came into Holy Cross for a Q & A with students, it was a fantastic opportunity for all parties and students to address party policies and views.

James Frith Labour

James Daly Conservative

Andy Kelly  Liberal Democrats

Candidates and Winners

Congratulations to Charlotte and her Labour team as she has won this year's Holy Cross College Mock Election.

Commiserations go to the other candidates Saint (Conservative) and Ellis (Liberal Democrats).

All students deserve applause for their involvement, including students who participated in additional roles such as making  a party election broadcast, writing or delivering a speech or canvassing, and to the group of students who helped organise and promote the event.

A full list of students involved is below:











Holy Cross College Mock Election 2024

Students had a fantastic opportunity to experience what it would feel like to run a general election, be part of an election campaign, or be an election candidate.

As part of the election, each party had a 'party mentor' who provided advice and guided them through the process. Students also attended Debate Club and HCC candidate hustings events.


  • 17th of June- Deadline for each party to submit a chosen candidate for the election​

  • 18th of June- Canvassing to start​

  • 19th of June- Debate Cub debate. RE4 12pm​

  • 20th of June- Hustings between candidates. Drama Studio 12pm​

  • 21st of June- Deadline for submitting ‘party political broadcast’ and E-leaflet submission​

  • 27th June- Real candidates in Bury North to come in for Q&A and meet parties. Hall 12pm

Voting day (online via MyView)- 26th of June​

Results announced- 27th of June​