D-Day 80th Anniversary

The Student Representative Council (SRC) attended a D-Day commemoration on Thursday the 6th June, held by Bury Council at Prestwich War Memorial for the 80th Anniversary. As part of the service, our students were asked to read accounts from local veterans who resided at Broughton House, Salford; a care home for Veterans that has been helping the community since 1916, caring for those who served us. The students told accounts of Lance Corporal Fred Greenhalgh, Peter Belcher MBE, David Teacher MBE and Second Leftenant Gilbert Jones. Our students really did us proud, speaking with veterans and the local community and honouring those who served and died for us.

'When you go home tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we gave our today'

The Reverend (Wing Commander) David Norfield, did a beautiful reflection in remembering D-Day on the Zoe Ball Breakfast show.

To listen, visit BBC catch up: 46.30
