Art & Design - Photography Course

Course Information

Course TypeSixth Form Centre
Course LevelA-Level
Awarding BodyAQA


Photography A Level is a specialist course exploring the deep craft of Photography. It involves work in black and white and colour photography.

Your work will also use both digital and darkroom photography and there will be computer-based work as well as handmade development work.

What we’ll study

Students also have opportunities to work in video, film, installation and animation. You will study the work of other artists, designers and photographers, including work from primary sources during visits to galleries and museums.

Join our Art & Design Department and you’ll be joining around 450 students currently studying A Levels in Art, Graphics,Textiles and, of course, Photography.

We’re one of the largest departments of our kind and in recent years our students have attained some of the very highest results in the country.

In September 2013 the college opened a new, extended and enhanced department, providing state-of-the-art facilities for the study of Art & Design. It comprises five large teaching rooms, an extensive darkroom, gallery, screen printing, 3D and studio photography facilities, all underpinned by the latest Apple technology. As a result students beginning study in Art & Design at Holy Cross have a very much enhanced experience, hopefully inspiring even higher levels of achievement.

The core values of the department are the primacy of ideas, hard work and a deep passion for all aspects of Art & Design.

The belief that art is a life-affirming, life-changing, teachable, learnable, intellectual and unbelievably exciting way to look at the world is central to our philosophy.

Examples of our students' work is here:

Your future

There are many careers open to students with a photography qualification, including professional photography, journalism, arts administration, advertising, fashion, television, communications, art direction, interactive design and teaching.

How you’re assessed

Like GCSE Art & Design courses, assessment is through practical coursework (60%) and controlled examination (40%), supported by a written, illustrated critical study.


Level: A Level

Examining Board: AQA

This Photography course gives you the opportunity to develop a personal and structured approach to project work, by exploring ideas and the work of other photographers. You’ll also develop your critical faculties, in both practical and written work, and acquire a high level of composition and presentation skills. There are many careers open to students with a photography qualification, including professional photography, journalism, arts administration, advertising, fashion, television, communications, art direction, interactive design and teaching.

Entry Requirements:

General College entry requirements.

GCSE English at Grade 4 or above is recommended.

Great subjects to partner A Level Photography:

Art, Graphics, Textiles, Media Studies and Film Studies are all strong companion courses to this two-year course.


Title Date  
Art Design FAQs 22nd Sep 2022 Download
Art Design Photography Subject Card 09th Nov 2022 Download