Absolutely. Many students from schools outside of Bury currently study at Holy Cross and made a very full contribution to the College.
The majority of students studying at Holy Cross are not Catholics. The College is looking for students who are committed to their subjects and the nature of the College itself and who look to make a full contribution to this environment while they are with us.
We would prefer that all absences are reported by telephone on the day of the absence. Please ring Student Services on 0161 762 4523 or 0161 762 4500 option 4. If there is no reply you can leave a message quoting the student's name, pin number and the reason for the absence and this will be recorded. If you are unable to contact College on the day you can telephone or send a note in up to a working week after the absence. If we have received no notification after one working week the absence will remain unauthorised.
College would ask that where possible all medical appointments are made when the student does not have a timetabled lesson. Please try to give Student Services 24 hour's notice (phone call from parent/carer will suffice). However, in cases where it is an emergency and it is not possible to give 24 hour's notice, then Student Services will require sight of an appointment card or note from the hospital/doctor/dentist/orthodontist's receptionist confirming the student's attendance so that this may be authorised.
The first person to speak to is the student's Progress Tutor. The direct numbers for the tutors can be found on the 'Policies and Documents' page here: Policies and Documents If you would prefer to speak to the College Safeguarding and Pastoral Manager please ring 0161 762 4537.
Please either ask the student to request a letter from their Progress Tutor or contact them directly via the details on the 'Policies and Documents' page here: Policies and Documents. A text will be sent to the student when the letter is ready for collection.